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Zapier: Getting started

What is Zapier?

Zapier connects dailypoint (e)mailing system to more than 5000 different web apps in order to automate your everyday tasks. There is no programming knowledge required.

Your procedures are organized in so-called "Zaps". A minimal Zap consists of two steps: A trigger app connects to an action app. In addition, you may create multi-level zaps and set filter rules to link multiple apps in a variety of ways.

Setting up your dailypoint (e)mailing system account

To enable Zapier accessing your dailypoint (e)mailing system account, the web service module must be booked for this account and the account permission "Webservice (API) ⭢ JSON response" must be activated.

Furthermore, there must be a dailypoint (e)mailing system user set up with the role permission "Permissions modules ⭢ Webservice (API) ⭢ Use" (in German "Module/Extras-Rechte ⭢ Webservice (API) ⭢ Verwenden"). Zapier will log into the dailypoint (e)mailing system account using this users data. We recommend setting up a separate user to keep Zapier calls separated from other types of use.

Setting up your Zapier account

If you should not have a Zapier account yet, create a new account at During the 14-day trial period you can check out all the functions free of charge. Zapier then offers several plans for you to choose from. The "Free" plan will be activated by default. It allows to create two-level Zaps, to activate up to 5 Zaps at the same time and to perform 100 tasks per month.

GDPR compliance / DSGVO-Konformität

Englisch: To extend our web services, our customers have the option of using Zapier, a service provided by Zapier Inc, 548 Market St #62411, San Francisco, California 94104-5101, USA. Zapier has committed to compliance with the GDPR. We have concluded a data processing agreement with Zapier, in which Zapier commits, among other things, not to disclose personal data to third parties. Find more information at

Deutsch: Zur Erweiterung unserer Webdienstleistungen besteht für unsere Kunden die Möglichkeit zur Nutzung von Zapier, einem Dienst der Zapier Inc., 548 Market St #62411, San Francisco, California 94104-5101, USA. Zapier hat sich zur Einhaltung der DSGVO verpflichtet. Wir haben mit Zapier einen Vertrag zur Auftragsverarbeitung abgeschlossen. Darin verpflichtet sich Zapier u. a., personenbezogene Daten nicht an Dritte weiterzugeben. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter
